Jurnal of Knowledge Management Practice, Vol. 10, No. 1, March 2009


Mostafa Jafari, Peyman Akhavan, Ashraf Mortezaei, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran

This paper aims to provide the organizational roles to implement knowledge management. The focus is on how to devise and implement knowledge management where it is required and provides a common understanding about KM in implementation area. This paper also provides a general review on KM systems, KM architecture, KM process, KM strategy and KM critical success factors.
Keywords:  Knowledge management, Knowledge strategy, Knowledge architecture

1.         Introduction
In 1597, Francis Bacon wrote that knowledge is power (Barclay, 2000). A  Knowledge- based perspective of the firm has emerged in the strategic management literature (Nonaka & Takeuchi 1995).This perspective builds upon and extends the resource based  theory of the firm .
Business and economic theory is increasingly concerned with the role of organizational knowledge. As a source of economic success, knowledge is increasingly seen as having displaced traditional factors of production in the post-Fordist economy (Drucker,1995) . Knowledge management (KM) is arguably the strategic concern for many firms (Nonaka & Takeuchi 1995). Those who fail to understand this may not survive at all (Fappaolo and Koulopoulos, 2000) .

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Wisata Pondok Pesantren Kebangaan Indonesia

Katakan Cinta untuk Indonesia-Wisata Pondok Pesantren Kebanggaan Indonesia. (Ponpes Wali Songo (Ngabar) & Ponpes Darussalam (Gontor).

opening statement: "Jika sulit untuk bicara, tak perlu mengucap apa pun. Diamlah, dan ijinkan hati, air mata menjadi juru lapor, juru keluh, dan juru bicara”
Kutipan kalimat dari cerpen seorang santri “malaikat itu mendoakan penduduk bumi yang tidak lalai, penduduk bumi yang mau tahajjud saat jutaan manusia terlelap lalai”

Berawal dari ajakan seorang senior pascasarjana SI ITS Surabaya, namanya Faturrahman dan kebetulan di pondok yang akan dikunjungi ada seorang Ustadz

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