
Information Systems Research

Course Description:

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for conducting rigorous and effective research in the field of Information Systems (IS). It explores various research methodologies, techniques, and approaches applicable to the investigation of contemporary issues in information systems. The course emphasizes critical thinking, problem formulation, research design, data collection, and analysis within the context of IS.  

Course Syllabus: download here


Information Systems Project Management

Course Description:

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the effective management of information system projects is pivotal for organizations striving to innovate, stay competitive, and meet the demands of their stakeholders. This course focuses on the principles and practices of managing Information Systems (IS) projects. Students will explore the unique challenges and opportunities associated with planning, executing, and closing IS projects successfully. The course covers essential project management concepts, tools, and techniques with a specific emphasis on their application in the context of information systems development.

Course Syllabus: download here

Final-Mid Project: download here


Information Systems Strategy Plan

Course Description:

This course is designed to delve into the strategic implications of Information Systems (IS) within the framework outlined in “Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm”. The course will explore key concepts and practical applications from the top journal and book, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of developing and implementing IS strategy plans in the contemporary digital landscape. 

Course Syllabus: download here

Final-Mid Project: download here



Knowledge Management (KM)

Mata kuliah yang saya ajar di Semester Genap 2016/2017 adalah Knowledge Management, Interpersonal Skill, dan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Seluruh materi kuliah bisa diunduh dan digunakan dengan bebas. Setiap halaman mata kulaih memuat course description, standard competency, slide, dan textbook yang digunakan.
Mata kuliah yang membahas tentang knowledge management. Fokus bahasan adalah tentang pengenalan knowledge management, pengenalan tentang knowledge, foundations, solutions dan systems dari knowledge management. Mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti mata kuliah ini diharapkan mampu melakukan penelitian dan menerapkan knowledge management di organisasi dengan baik dan berkualitas.
Slide (feel free to download):
  1. 1. Introduction to Knowledge Management 
    KM Introductions 1 - KM Introductions 2 - KM Introductions 3  - KM Introductions 4
  2. 2. Knowledge Management Foundations
    KM Foundations 1 - KM Foundations 2 - KM Foundations 3
  3. 3. Knowledge Management Solutions
    KM Solutions 1 - KM Solutions 2
  4. 4. Knowledge Management Systems
    KM Systems 1 - KM Systems 2 - KM Systems 3 - KM Systems 4
  5. 5. Assessment of Knowledge Management
    KM Assessment 1 -
    KM Assessment 2
Books for Paper Review (Mid-Semester):
  1. BookKM1
  2. BookKM2
  3. BookKM3

Interpersonal Skill (IS)

Mata kuliah yang membahas tentang Interpersonal Skill. Fokus bahasan adalah tentang pengenalan interpersonal skill, pengenalan tentang interpersonal skill, habits of highly effective students, mendengarkan secara efektif, menyampaikan pesan secara efektif, tim dan group serta mengelola konflik dari interpersonal skill. Mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti mata kuliah ini diharapkan mampu melakukan penelitian dan menerapkan interpersonal skill di organisasi dengan baik dan berkualitas.

Slide (feel free to download):
  1. 1. Introduction to Interpersonal Skill
        IS Introductions 1 IS Introductions 2 
  2. 2. Interpersonal Skill
  3. 3. Habits of Highly Effective Students
  4. 4. Mendengarkan Secara Efektif
  5. 5. Menyampaikan Pesan Secara Efektif
  6. 6. Tim dan Group
  7. 7. Mengelola Konflik
        Mengelola Konflik 1 - Mengelola Konflik 2 

  1. Irma Becerra-Fernandez and Rajiv Sabherwal, Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2010
  2. Kimiz Dalkir and Jay Liebowitz, Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, The MIT Press, 2011

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