Supply chain survivability in crisis times through a viable system perspective: Big data, knowledge ambidexterity, and the mediating role of virtual enterprise

Authors: Saide Saide


In the context of the survivability of a firm’s supply chain during the worldwide COVID-19 crisis, there is still much to be explored. This study employs the viable system model to conceptualize the virtual enterprise, big data, and knowledge ambidexterity capability that can facilitate supply chain survivability. Empirical data have been collected from various industries in Indonesia (the largest labor force in Southeast Asia). SEM-SmartPLS and SPSS were used to validate the model. The results suggest that firms need to realize that the explorative and exploitative of knowledge have different effects and are integrated in different ways into the survivability of a supply chain. The findings also revealed two roles for mediation, whereby revolutionizing the explorative of knowledge and the analytics of big data through virtual enterprise are crucial strategies to achieves the survivability of the supply chain. A novel value added is the inclusion of a systems-environment perspective and knowledge-technology matrix, especially in times of crisis.

Keywords: Survivability, Supply chain, Virtual enterprise, Knowledge ambidexterity capability, Knowledge-technology matrix, Viable system model, Big data, Crisis.

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Saide Saide. Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Holds two Master's degrees from Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, and Department of Information System, Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember (ITS Surabaya), Indonesia. He obtained a bachelor's in Information Systems in Indonesia. He also Lecturer at Information System, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia. He was a visiting scholar at Tampere University, Tampere, Finland in September–October 2019. His research interests include knowledge management (KM), information system/technology (IS/IT), and IS/IT-marketing/business strategy. He has authored numerous articles published in SSCI/SCI/SCIE indexed journals such as Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Big Data, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; including other journals such as International Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, and International Journal of Business and Society.

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