Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu Taja Talkshow Hadapi Era Digital 4.0 & YRANSMEDIARIAU.COM – Kwartir Ranting (Kwarran) 04.02.15 Gerakan Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu berkerjasama dengan Gugus Depan (Gudep) 15.003-15.004 Gerakan Pramuka STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan menggelar Talkshow Pramuka Menghadapi Era Digital 4.0 bertempat di Auditorium Kampus STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan, Jalan Gerilya Parit Enam (Panam) Tembilahan Barat, kabupaten Indragiri Hilir (Inhil), Rabu (6/2/2019).

Ketua Kwarran Gerakan Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu yang di wakili oleh Sekretaris, Dedi Susanto dalam sambutannya pada saat pembukaan mengatakan, bahwa Pramuka itu bukan hanya tepuk tangan dan baris berbaris tetapi juga melalui Pramuka mampu membaca dan berfikir untuk menjawab tantangan zaman karena setiap fase perkembangan yang kita lalui baik itu kita ikuti maupun tidak, pastinya akan terus berjalan.

“Melalui kegiatan ini kita berusaha memberikan stimulan/rangsangan agar kedepan kegiatan pramuka itu tidak stagnan tetapi bisa memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi, selain itu bagaimana pemanfaatan teknologi tidak menjadi bumerang untuk dimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari hari.” Ujar Dedi.
Adapun narasumber kegiatan Talkshow ini adalah Kak Saide, S.Kom.,M.Kom.,M.I.M dari National Taiwan University Of Sience and Technology dan Kak Habibie, SE dari Journalist.

Dalam inti pemaparannya Kak Saide memberikan motivasi bahwa seseorang tidak ada kata tidak bisa, selagi dia ingin berbuat dan ingin mengejar sebuah impiannya walaupun dia adalah orang yang mempunyai keterbatasan dalam finansial tapi jadikan itu sebagai motivasi untuk mengejar impiannya, selain itu tema “PRAMUKA MENGHADAPI ERA DIGITAL 4.0″ juga menceritakan bahwasanya perkembangan zaman di era 4.0 ini sangat luar biasa di karenakan dengan era ini semua serba bisa di lakukan dengan satu ketikan saja akan menghasilkan apa yang di inginkan.

Sementara itu Kak Habibi, SE memaparkan pembuatan konten media sosial agar menarik dalam menyampaikan pesan, selain itu juga langsung diadakan praktik menggunakan media sosial secara bijak. Sultan Hasanuddin Ketua Dewan Kerja Ranting (DKR) Gerakan Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu mengungkapkan, rasa gembiranya kegiatan ini berjalan dengan sukses, di ikuti oleh 403 peserta, tidak termasuk panitia serta di sediakan piagam dan doorprize,” Ungkapnya. “Dengan adanya piagam dan doorprize yang di berikan oleh pihak sponsor kepada peserta menambah nilai semangat dan antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan tersebut,” Tutur Sultan yang juga Mahasiswa STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan ini.

Nampak hadir acara Pembukaan dan Talkshow Nasruddin Andalan Ranting dan Pengurus Kwarran Gerakan Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu, Ketua dan Dosen serta Mahasiswa STAI Auliaurrasyidin, Andalan Cabang Gerakan Pramuka Inhil, Dewan Kerja Cabang Inhil, Dewan Kerja Ranting Tembilahan Hulu, Anggota Pramuka dan Osis yang berada di Gugus Depan Tembilahan dan Tembilahan Hulu, Menwa, HMI, GMNI, PMII, KKB dan Organisasi Kemasyarakatan Pemuda (OKP) lainnya.*(rls)


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Main Journals/References in Information System/Management scope

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What is Plagiarism ???


What is Plagiarism?

English Chinese Korean Japanese French Spanish Italian Arabic
Plagiarism 抄袭 표절 盗作 plagiat plagio plagio الأدب ية ال سرق ة

"Plagiarism, specifically, is a term used to describe a practice that involves knowingly taking and using another person’s work and claiming it, directly or indirectly, as your own." (Neville, 2007, p. 28)
In the United States, plagiarism is taken very seriously, both legally and ethically. It can lead to disciplinary action such as expulsion from the University. Additionally, plagiarizing will damage your reputation and credibility as a scholar in Western academia. Plagiarism can be intentional (purchasing a research paper online or sharing a test with a friend) or unintentional (improperly citing a source in a paper or using an author's words without giving her/him credit). This below list, from, identifies some specific forms of plagiarism:
  • "turning in someone else's work as your own
  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
  • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not" (What Is Plagiarism?)
It might seem like using the ideas of others is a problem. However, this is not the case. Scholarship is a conversation; that is, you will be expected to read, analyze, and respond to the ideas of others when writing your papers. The key to doing this without plagiarizing is to cite your sources

Take good notes
  • While researching, be sure to take note of important quotes and passages that you think you might use in your paper.
  • Note the citation information--the author, title, and page number, so that you can easily cite it in your paper.
  • Develop a system of note-taking that works for you.
Cite correctly
  • "Any time you use words from another source, such as a Web site, book, journal article, or even a friend's English paper, you must give proper credt to the source.
  • Even if you don't use someone else's words, but you refer to an idea of concept from another source, you must also give credit.
  • 'Citing your sources' means giving all of the information about your source, such as author, title, and date of publication, so someone else can find that source again." (Penn State, 2012)
Use quotes effectively
  • "If you use someone else's exact words, you need to put those words in quotation marks. Changing a few words here and there is not enough to avoid plagiarism. Either put the exact phrase you are quoting in quotation marks, or rewrite it entirely in your own words.
  • Quoting extensively from another source, even if you do it properly, is not appropriate for a research paper. Use quotations to support your arguments or clarify important points, but create your own argument using your own words." (Penn State, 2012)
Paraphrase correctly
  • "In a paraphrase, you rewrite what someone else has said in your own way. Just as you have a personality that is different from everyone else's, you as a writer have your own voice and style. When you write, even when you are paraphrasing, your writing should sound like it came from you, not from someone else." (Penn State, 2012)
Neville, C. (2007). The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism. New York; Maidenhead: Open University Press. 
Penn State. (2012). Plagiarism & You. Online document. Retrieved June 10, 2015, from <>
What Is Plagiarism? (n.d.) Retrieved June 10, 2015, from <>

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