Implementation of paperless office in the classroom
Authors: Richardus Eko Indrajit, Saide, Rizqi Wahyuningsih
Paper is a very necessary thing in our daily lives and a basic
requirement in various fields such as office, an education, etc. The
paper always needed by students during learning process. A student
generally use paper covers the needs of Students’ books, activities
pre-test and post-test, reports, portfolios and do homework. One student
could use up to one hundreds sheets of paper per semester. But, after
all of these usage of paper, we actually has spent $792 only for
printing all of these tasks every semester without reuse the paper which
ends up in the trash. Based on these issues, this study provides an
opportunity for lecturer to perceive the external and internal
conditions of implementation paperless classroom in the learning
process. Technology as a mediator of paperless classroom, which are
proposed based on the identified SWOTs for solving weaknesses and
dealing with threats are significant for improving the learning
problems. Actually, this paper is not to modify the basic model of
Paperless Office concept, but Paperless Office concept to making as a
function of mediator between the traditional learning processes to the
digital learning process in the classroom. The authors used a systematic
literature review approach, starts with literature review, problems
identification, selection process, assess, synthesize and write down the
ideas proposed, and then make conclusions. Finally, the output of this
research is a new model (schematic and technical) of the process and
transfer learning process from traditional to digital on the classroom. ©
2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
Full Article:
Saide Saide received the bachelor’s degree with the Department of
Information System, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam
Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau-UIN SUSKA Riau, Indonesia, in 2013, the
master’s degree from the Department of Information Management, National
Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2016,
and the master’s degree from the Departmentof Information System,
Sepuluh Nopember Instituteof Technology (ITS Surabaya), Surabaya,
Indonesia, in 2016, all in information systems and knowledge management.
He is currently a Lecturer with the Department of Information
System, Facultyof Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri
Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau - UIN SUSKA Riau. He was a Visiting Scholar and
Research Collaboration withTampere University, Finland, a Researcher
with the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan
University of Science and Technology, a Project Management with EnReach -
Energy Research Center, UIN SUSKA Riau, Indonesia. He has authored
numerous articles published in SSCI/SCI journals such as Big Data,
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management, and Journal of Enterprise Information
Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of
Science and Technology Policy Management, and International Journal of
Business and Society. His research interests include knowledge
management, information system, and IT-business strategy.
Information technology and individual factors on knowledge sharing activities
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Figure. Research Model Results |
In the world of education, the success of knowledge sharing will help
students in realizing and developing their potential. Sharing knowledge
is the most important and influential process in knowledge management.
The importance of knowledge management can produce value that can be
used to make decisions or take action. This study aims to analyze
individual and technological factors on knowledge sharing activities. It
is intended to know the most influential factors so that can be used as
a reference to maximize knowledge sharing activities in university
especially in the Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Suska Riau.
This study uses an online questionnaire to get data. There are nine
indicators to know which factors influence knowledge sharing, and then
explored into 36 statements. Sampling technique in this research is
saturated or census sampling with amount of 75 samples. Data analysis
technique used is path analysis. The result of path analysis shows that
individual factors like personality and self efficacy has more
significant effect for knowledge sharing activities and from Information
Technology is social media have more significant effect between others.
© 2017 IEEE.
Full Article:
Saide Saide received the bachelor’s degree with the Department of
Information System, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam
Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau-UIN SUSKA Riau, Indonesia, in 2013, the
master’s degree from the Department of Information Management, National
Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2016,
and the master’s degree from the Departmentof Information System,
Sepuluh Nopember Instituteof Technology (ITS Surabaya), Surabaya,
Indonesia, in 2016, all in information systems and knowledge management.
He is currently a Lecturer with the Department of Information
System, Facultyof Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri
Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau - UIN SUSKA Riau. He was a Visiting Scholar and
Research Collaboration withTampere University, Finland, a Researcher
with the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan
University of Science and Technology, a Project Management with EnReach -
Energy Research Center, UIN SUSKA Riau, Indonesia. He has authored
numerous articles published in SSCI/SCI journals such as Big Data,
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management, and Journal of Enterprise Information
Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of
Science and Technology Policy Management, and International Journal of
Business and Society. His research interests include knowledge
management, information system, and IT-business strategy.
Improving Creativity of Graphic Design for Deaf Students Using Contextual Teaching Learning Method (CTL)
Authors: Siti Ramadhani, Saide Saide, Richardus Eko Indrajit
This study is addressed to the issues of improving the creativity of deaf Students in graphic design using contextual teaching learning (CTL). Various researches have highlighted the ability of the deaf students in graphic design skill and also provided relevant information for those teachers to prepare a program. The main problem in deaf learning is poor of communication between the deaf students and their teachers, comprehensible visual language inputs, and how to use teaching learning method effectively. The focus of this study was to improve creativity of graphic design skill using CTL Method at SLB Melati as a School for kids with special needs in Pekanbaru (capital city of Riau Province, Indonesia). SLB Melati held Computer Skill as an extracurricular activity andused bitmap image processing. In this paper, CTL Method applied to a vector image processing during learning activity at computer laboratory with video and printing learning media. The authors used single subject research (SSR) with Gutman Scale, involved pretest and posttest observations by questionnaires with 8 questions and 5 respondents (as a representative). The result of pretest observation showed that 12.5% of students have understood using graphic design. Finally, after CTL application method was obtained and showed 75% improving, therefore, given the ability of deaf students in computer graphic design skills using CTL Method can be concrete solution in deaf education in computer learning skill.
Full article:
Saide Saide received the bachelor’s degree with the Department of Information System, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau-UIN SUSKA Riau, Indonesia, in 2013, the master’s degree from the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2016, and the master’s degree from the Departmentof Information System, Sepuluh Nopember Instituteof Technology (ITS Surabaya), Surabaya, Indonesia, in 2016, all in information systems and knowledge management. He is currently a Lecturer with the Department of Information System, Facultyof Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau - UIN SUSKA Riau. He was a Visiting Scholar and Research Collaboration withTampere University, Finland, a Researcher with the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, a Project Management with EnReach - Energy Research Center, UIN SUSKA Riau, Indonesia. He has authored numerous articles published in SSCI/SCI journals such as Big Data, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Journal of Enterprise Information Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, and International Journal of Business and Society. His research interests include knowledge management, information system, and IT-business strategy.
User Behavior Analysis in Academic Information System Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
Authors: Idria Maita, Saide, Richardus Eko Indrajit, Ade Irmayani
This study discusses the behavior of users of academic information systems that exist in the university Abdurrab Pekanbaru using UTAUT model. UTAUT is a combination of eight user acceptance of technology models that have been developed previously. UTAUT is also used by some researchers to see the intentions and behavior of information technology users in the field of education. The purpose of this research is to find empirical evidence that the determinant factors of SIMAK utilization (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions) influence behavioral intention. The four constructs of UTAUT are moderated by gender and age variables. The underlying phenomenon of this research is not optimal in using of SIMAK by the academic community, so that the existence and using of SIMAK is not maximal and it's utilization not measured for all academic communities. Data is obtained through 202 questionnaires distributed to respondents. Data analysis techniques use linear regression with tool of SPSS. The results of this study indicate that the variable of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence have a significant influence on behavioral intention. While the variable of facilitating conditions have an effect but not significant on behavioral intention.
Full article:
Saide Saide received the bachelor’s degree with the Department of Information System, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau-UIN SUSKA Riau, Indonesia, in 2013, the master’s degree from the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2016, and the master’s degree from the Departmentof Information System, Sepuluh Nopember Instituteof Technology (ITS Surabaya), Surabaya, Indonesia, in 2016, all in information systems and knowledge management. He is currently a Lecturer with the Department of Information System, Facultyof Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau - UIN SUSKA Riau. He was a Visiting Scholar and Research Collaboration withTampere University, Finland, a Researcher with the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, a Project Management with EnReach - Energy Research Center, UIN SUSKA Riau, Indonesia. He has authored numerous articles published in SSCI/SCI journals such as Big Data, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Journal of Enterprise Information Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, and International Journal of Business and Society. His research interests include knowledge management, information system, and IT-business strategy.
Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu Taja Talkshow Hadapi Era Digital 4.0 & YRANSMEDIARIAU.COM – Kwartir Ranting (Kwarran) 04.02.15 Gerakan Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu berkerjasama dengan Gugus Depan (Gudep) 15.003-15.004 Gerakan Pramuka STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan menggelar Talkshow Pramuka Menghadapi Era Digital 4.0 bertempat di Auditorium Kampus STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan, Jalan Gerilya Parit Enam (Panam) Tembilahan Barat, kabupaten Indragiri Hilir (Inhil), Rabu (6/2/2019).Ketua Kwarran Gerakan Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu yang di wakili oleh Sekretaris, Dedi Susanto dalam sambutannya pada saat pembukaan mengatakan, bahwa Pramuka itu bukan hanya tepuk tangan dan baris berbaris tetapi juga melalui Pramuka mampu membaca dan berfikir untuk menjawab tantangan zaman karena setiap fase perkembangan yang kita lalui baik itu kita ikuti maupun tidak, pastinya akan terus berjalan.
“Melalui kegiatan ini kita berusaha memberikan stimulan/rangsangan agar kedepan kegiatan pramuka itu tidak stagnan tetapi bisa memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi, selain itu bagaimana pemanfaatan teknologi tidak menjadi bumerang untuk dimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari hari.” Ujar Dedi.
Adapun narasumber kegiatan Talkshow ini adalah Kak Saide, S.Kom.,M.Kom.,M.I.M dari National Taiwan University Of Sience and Technology dan Kak Habibie, SE dari Journalist.
Dalam inti pemaparannya Kak Saide memberikan motivasi bahwa seseorang tidak ada kata tidak bisa, selagi dia ingin berbuat dan ingin mengejar sebuah impiannya walaupun dia adalah orang yang mempunyai keterbatasan dalam finansial tapi jadikan itu sebagai motivasi untuk mengejar impiannya, selain itu tema “PRAMUKA MENGHADAPI ERA DIGITAL 4.0″ juga menceritakan bahwasanya perkembangan zaman di era 4.0 ini sangat luar biasa di karenakan dengan era ini semua serba bisa di lakukan dengan satu ketikan saja akan menghasilkan apa yang di inginkan.
Sementara itu Kak Habibi, SE memaparkan pembuatan konten media sosial agar menarik dalam menyampaikan pesan, selain itu juga langsung diadakan praktik menggunakan media sosial secara bijak. Sultan Hasanuddin Ketua Dewan Kerja Ranting (DKR) Gerakan Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu mengungkapkan, rasa gembiranya kegiatan ini berjalan dengan sukses, di ikuti oleh 403 peserta, tidak termasuk panitia serta di sediakan piagam dan doorprize,” Ungkapnya. “Dengan adanya piagam dan doorprize yang di berikan oleh pihak sponsor kepada peserta menambah nilai semangat dan antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan tersebut,” Tutur Sultan yang juga Mahasiswa STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan ini.
Nampak hadir acara Pembukaan dan Talkshow Nasruddin Andalan Ranting dan Pengurus Kwarran Gerakan Pramuka Tembilahan Hulu, Ketua dan Dosen serta Mahasiswa STAI Auliaurrasyidin, Andalan Cabang Gerakan Pramuka Inhil, Dewan Kerja Cabang Inhil, Dewan Kerja Ranting Tembilahan Hulu, Anggota Pramuka dan Osis yang berada di Gugus Depan Tembilahan dan Tembilahan Hulu, Menwa, HMI, GMNI, PMII, KKB dan Organisasi Kemasyarakatan Pemuda (OKP) lainnya.*(rls)
What is Plagiarism ???
What is Plagiarism?
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Plagiarism | æŠ„è¢ | í‘œì ˆ | 盗作 | plagiat | plagio | plagio | الأدب ية ال سرق Ø© |
"Plagiarism, specifically, is a term used to describe a practice that involves knowingly taking and using another person’s work and claiming it, directly or indirectly, as your own." (Neville, 2007, p. 28)
- "turning in someone else's work as your own
- copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
- failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
- giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
- changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
- copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not" (What Is Plagiarism?)
Take good notes
- While researching, be sure to take note of important quotes and passages that you think you might use in your paper.
- Note the citation information--the author, title, and page number, so that you can easily cite it in your paper.
- Develop a system of note-taking that works for you.
- "Any time you use words from another source, such as a Web site, book, journal article, or even a friend's English paper, you must give proper credt to the source.
- Even if you don't use someone else's words, but you refer to an idea of concept from another source, you must also give credit.
- 'Citing your sources' means giving all of the information about your source, such as author, title, and date of publication, so someone else can find that source again." (Penn State, 2012)
- "If you use someone else's exact words, you need to put those words in quotation marks. Changing a few words here and there is not enough to avoid plagiarism. Either put the exact phrase you are quoting in quotation marks, or rewrite it entirely in your own words.
- Quoting extensively from another source, even if you do it properly, is not appropriate for a research paper. Use quotations to support your arguments or clarify important points, but create your own argument using your own words." (Penn State, 2012)
- "In a paraphrase, you rewrite what someone else has said in your own way. Just as you have a personality that is different from everyone else's, you as a writer have your own voice and style. When you write, even when you are paraphrasing, your writing should sound like it came from you, not from someone else." (Penn State, 2012)
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